Journaling is not my thing, y’all. Writing is already so much a part of my job…and now that I’m a fancy author lady, not just an academic wanker, it’s a BIG part of my job.
So I feel y’all deep when you tell me that you don’t want journaling to be part of your therapy homework. But then I’m going to follow up with “but it really, really helps and that makes it so worth at least trying”
”Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” — Issac Asimov
30 Ways A Writing Practice Can Help Trauma Recovery by a Heidi Hanson
The Practice of Proprioceptive Writing (based on the book Writing The Mind Alive)
A 12 Week Gratitude Journal (a free download I put on my website a few months ago)
Do you have a really nice journal or notebook you’ve been saving for “something special?” I hereby declare today a special occasion!