There is no email title that works well here.
I’m not a good enough writer for this. I wish I were.
This week has been a shit-show for sure. How y’all doing? “Pretty fucked” is a perfectly cromulent answer. It’s mine. The only reason the title of this missive isn’t “pretty fucked” is because that gets it sent to spam folders.
This is true of me as a therapist AND as a human, that I don’t do well with platitudes but will always sign up for hard work.
I don’t like it, believe me.
I have to remind myself regularly that comfort is not in my list of core values. That the work happens outside our comfort zone.
Whether it’s our personal work or our societal work.
What does that mean right now? It means believing that a better world is possible.
(When people tell me it won’t happen my response is always, if I don’t believe in change, I might as well kill myself, so if they don’t want me suicidal they should STFU.)
So in the name of hope, and with an eye on the path forward, I’m including a couple of resources from people who have done some seriously heavy lifting and organizing. These aren’t exhaustive lists, obviously, but are good starting points in the face of overwhelm.
So if you are trying to up your education, this is a great list of anti-racism resources.
If you are trying to figure out what kind of action makes sense for you, outside protesting, here’s a list of places to donate and places to petition and otherwise raise hell.
And please (times infinity) take care of yourself the best you can. We need you, and your hope, and your contributions in whatever form they take so very much.