New Harm Reduction Guide!
(You should really check this out, even if you don't use or don't know anyone who does. If only because I put a lot of work into it and that will make me feel like it was a worthwhile endeavor.)
So I am working on my latest book (which, as you just guessed, about addictions and out of control behavior). One of the things I wanted to refer to was a comprehensive harm reduction guide. There wasn’t one that I could find that covered all the important things I wanted covered. So I went down a research rabbit hole and made one, complete with resources on finding as many no-fee or low-fee options as possible around reducing risk of overdose, getting clean supplies, testing for fentanyl, carrying naloxone, preventing STIs and other infections, preventing or dealing with an unwanted pregnancy, etc.
Since I couldn’t find anything this comprehensive online, I’m posting it on my website rather than just have it in the book. So it is now available here. It’s the first link on the page.
You may not use yourself, but you may have someone in your life now or in the future that does which makes this relevant information. Hell, there are things in here that you might find useful just as a citizen in society. While drug use continues to go down, deaths from drug use continue to go up. One of the first things I thought of, was talking to my local city councilperson about introducing a bill decriminalizing fentanyl testing strips in my city, since a similar measure didn’t make it through the state lege. You may have some similar inclinations. Because, after all, the world doesn’t change until we change it.
Yes, 100% free to share. You just can’t reprint it within any manual or packet or program that you make money off of. Which is entirely fair, since I’m sharing it for free, right-o?
Keep in mind that the information may be helpful to everyone, the resources focus on services in the U.S.
Also keep in mind that this is not a guide about reducing use, it’s about reducing harm around use. That’s another topic. And it will be covered in the book.
This is awesome and useful information Dr. Harper! I’m passing it on to the providers in my circle. Thank you for the work you do. Your knowledge changes and saves lives.
Wow thank you!