Sorry, sorry.
I’ve been a shitty friend.
I hurt my neck, shoulder, and arm last week while engaging in a very risky behavior…existing while middle aged.
I caused horrible nerve inflammation IN MY SLEEP, ffs.
I did a course of steroids that helped tremendously, though still can’t sit at my laptop or sleep through the night. And if you’ve read my sleep zine, you know how much that sets my teeth on edge. It’s been two weeks and I’m hella tired and that suits the 2020 to a T.
My friend JP said that 2019 was the year of “netflix and chill” and 2020 is the year of “Netflix and try not to die.”
And yes, I’ve watched some really bad Netflix on my phone, while lying on a neck sling in bed.
With this fucking cat and her horrible boundaries.
(I took this picture right now as I’m writing this to demonstrate my lack of exaggeration.)
So while I don’t have any interesting stories to tell you, I do want to share that you can get the Unfuck Your Year, the official unplanner, rn from Microcosm (and next month from your lovely local bookstore and definitely not ever from Bezos).
When we first conceptualized this book a couple of years ago, we didn’t have any idea we would be releasing it into this shit storm. And it ended up being kinda perfect. I mean, our 2020 day planners are obviously useless, so an unplanner, whose only intent is to help you work through some shit is just what the universe ordered. I’m hearing cool stories about how the original Kickstarter backers are incorporating it into their quaranroutines.
And it goes great with quesadillas and aguas frescas, if you want a menu pairing.
So check it out if you haven’t already. Tell me what you think if you get it. (And if put it on your wishlist if you’re broke as a joke at the moment, tell me what you think later.)
And let me sign off with some bonus Iggy content. When doing distance therapy from home, my clients get bonus cat judgement to help keep them on right path. If you need some feline stank-eye as well, here she is:
Iggy says stop self sabotaging and beating yourself up because you’re a good human who believes in treats and wet foods.
And try not to fuck up your neck. It’s some bullshit.
—Dr. Faith